Structural Analysis, applicable to real-life cases involving composites and related to the automotive sector, often isn’t something that can be learned at university. Often it is learned on the job with all the difficulties it entails. So after wide request, The Native Lab, Managing Composites’ Training Divsion, has decided to launch a course on the topic. The idea is to transmit how to conduct the full structural analysis of a carbon fibre monocoque by sharing industry-related know-how.
Aim of this course is to be able to carry out the simulation from scratch by understanding the underlying concepts of FEA and material science, and after that be able to take into account all the essential things in order to get to reliant results. In its first part the course will explain implict vs. explicit analyses and their use, the vertical asymmetric load case and the simplified structural surfaces method. Moreover, the course discusses how to create a composite material card, how to define the layup, what composite failure criteria there are, how honeycomb modelling is done as well as laminate optimisation.
Once these essential concepts have been discussed, the actual process of simulating the monocoque is discovered. Meshing, Material Orientation, Layup Creation, among others, will be the first thing to take into account. Once the Modelling has been explained, the different analyses are carried out, such as typical loading scenarios, inertia relief and torsional stiffness. Finally, the more spectacular part on impact dynamics (crash) is discussed.
Course participants will be able to learn with and from Ignacio Carranza, the CAE Manager of Managing Composites and previously Research Engineer at McLaren Automotive and Stress Engineer at Hyundai Motorsport. All the course is online and self-paced, with the opportunity to send questions to the trainer. On completion every student will get a certificate, be able to join the ever-growing alumni network and will have access to all course materials for 1 year.
Currently a 20% discount is running until the end of September 2022, for the first 20 people. The coupon code is: MSA20OFFER.
Have a look at the course: Monocoque Structural Analysis