por Ana Escarate | Nov 10, 2022 | Story-time
»July 20, 2019, marked the 50-year anniversary of the first Apollo moon landing. Though at the time the Apollo capsule was built, the composites industry was still in its infancy and the materials were not yet in widespread use, the Apollo capsule used early composite...
por LlucMarti | Oct 20, 2022 | Getting technical
Last year, a group of researchers at ETH Zürich (Arthur Schlothauer, Georgios A. Pappas, and Paolo Ermanni) published one of the most interesting articles we have seen in a while! They have studied the »Material Response and Failure of Highly Deformable Carbon Fiber...
por LlucMarti | Oct 18, 2022 | Story-time
The Bugatti EB 110 is a mid-engine sports car produced by Bugatti Automobili from 1991 to 1995 when the company was liquidated for the second time. It was unveiled as the first »Reborn Bugatti» on September 15, 1991, on what would have been Ettore Bugatti’s...
por LlucMarti | Sep 22, 2022 | Story-time
Let’s talk about the »World’s Strongest Fiber», Dyneema! In 1968, chemist Dr. Albert Pennings managed to pull some wispy threads from the stirring rods in his beaker. He found it impossible to pull the strands apart. Excited, he rushed to tell his boss’s,...